Emission Measurement Laboratory

For emission-producing equipment, we provide authorized emission measurements, including QAL2 calibration tests and verification of automated emission monitoring systems, which are used to ensure compliance with legislative requirements for the operation of air pollution sources.

The Emission Measurement Laboratory carries out its activities on the basis of the decision of the Ministry of the Environment to issue an authorization certificate for emission measurement and on the basis of accreditation No. 415 under the Czech Institute for Accreditation.


The laboratory provides:

  • One-time measurements of concentrations of solid and gaseous pollutants
  • Proving the quality of automated measuring systems
  • Calibration of automated AMS emission measurement and monitoring systems (QAL2, ČSN EN 14181)
  • Verification of automated emission measurement (monitoring) systems AMS (AST, ČSN EN 14181)


The laboratory measures and determines:

  • Flow rate and volume flow
  • Humidity of gas by condensation method
  • Concentration TZL, SO! 2, NOx, WHAT, WHAT! 2, NH! 3, O! 2, TOC, HCl, PCDD/PCDF, PAH, PCB and metals
  • Concentration of organic gases and vapors, total concentration of organic substances


Further, the laboratory conducts:

  • Measurement of ventilation parameters of flowing gas
  • Guarantee measurement of technological equipment and technological processes
  • Adjustment of technological processes with a view to minimizing harmful substances
  • Measurement of the efficiency of separation devices
  • Measurement of PM10 and PM2.5


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Contact us, we will be happy to discuss with you and analyze the appropriate solution.