Fuel Laboratory

The Fuel Laboratory provides analysis and evaluation of key properties of solid fuels and combustion residues. The measured parameters are crucial for billing for the purchase of fuel, disposal of residues after incineration or CO evaluation! 2.

The Fuel Laboratory has accreditation No. 213 under the Czech Institute for Accreditation, which covers all activities related to the analysis of solid fuels and residues after combustion:

  • Gravimetric determination of water content
  • Determination of ash by gravimetry
  • Determination of ash and water by the TGA method
  • Determination of volatile combustible substances in solid fuels by the TGA method
  • Determination of heat of combustion by calorimetry and calorific value by frequency
  • Determination of Carbon, Sulphur and Hydrogen Content by NDIR Spectrometry and Oxygen Frequency
  • Determination of nitrogen content by TCD
  • Determination of mercury content in solid and liquid samples by atomic absorption spectrometry
  • Determination of chlorine in solid fuels and solid residues after combustion by potentiometric titration using ISE


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