Proficiency Testing

A key feature of laboratory analyzes is the reliability of the analyzes performed. For laboratories around the world, we provide inter-laboratory comparisons to verify their suitability to perform tests as well as to verify the measurement uncertainties used.

On the basis of the application for the test programme, the competence testing group shall send samples to the registered laboratories, which shall be analysed by the laboratories and then sent back the results of their tests. We then evaluate these results statistically and verify the accuracy of the measurements of individual laboratories. The resulting report is used to demonstrate the competence of both accredited and non-accredited laboratories, including verification of the measurement uncertainties used.

We regularly organise proficiency testing programmes for our customers in the following areas:

  • solid fuels — coal — PT/COAL
  • solid biofuels — biofuels — PT/BIO
  • solid residues after combustion - slag, ash - PT/EBP
  • metal and non-metallic materials of electrical cables — cables — PT/CABLE — outside the scope of accreditation

Our Competency Testing Group has accreditation no. 7014 under the Czech Accreditation Institute according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010. while for testing competence in the field of fuels and residues after their combustion, the Competence Testing Group is the only accredited body in the Czech Republic.

Our scope is international and the programmes are attended by laboratories from all over the world.


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