Certification of samplers of solid fuels and biofuels

Skupina ČEZ, Skupina Seven, Severočeské doly, a.s. Teplárna Plzeň, Unipetrol RPA

For customers, we provide attestations of automatic fuel samplers and sampling of statistically significant sets of reference and system fuel samples. The parameters and design of the current state of the equipment and the characteristics of the samples at each stage of treatment are compared with the relevant requirements of the technical standards:

  • ISO 5069-1,2 (44 1313) Brown coal and lignite. Sampling principles
    - Part 1: Sampling for determination of water content and general analysis
    - Part 2: Preparation of samples for determination of water content and general analysis
  • ISO 13909-1 to 8 (44 1314) Coal and coke — Mechanical sampling
  • ČSN 44 1304 Solid fuels. Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for laboratory testing

ORGREZ, a.s. has a Reference Test Unit (RTJ) located in the EPC facility, used exclusively for processing fuel samples, which is part of the Test Laboratory Most, ORGREZ, a.s.