Cloud-Based Power Control Systems

ORGREZ Cloud Terminal replaces the standard investment-intensive HW terminal solution for managing support services of aggregation blocks with the ORGREZ cloud system. This makes it possible to achieve significantly better economic conditions, especially for the management of separate decentralised facilities. Thanks to the use of modern technologies and standard API structures and calls, it facilitates the interconnection with CEPS, the provision of power balance services and enables their continuous online monitoring.

ORGREZ Cloud Terminal is a cloud-based support services terminal solution for efficient power aggregation management of various power equipment in multiple locations, be it CHP units, electric boilers, battery storage and other power equipment or electrical appliances. The cloud terminal is also a suitable solution for separate decentralized devices outside the aggregation blocks, as well as for standard plants with conventional sources, e.g. thermal. It replaces traditional hardware that the plant operator would have to purchase and maintain outside the aggregation blocks and also for standard plants with conventional sources, e.g. thermal. It replaces traditional hardware that the equipment operator would have to procure and maintain.

ORGREZ Cloud Terminal is a product that enables customers to easily provide power balance (SVR) services for transmission system operators ČEPS, a.s. All processes related to the management of power balance services (SVR) in real time are implemented in the software — from receiving and processing commands to activate SVR, through communication with control systems on the customer side (or directly with power equipment), up to after reporting individual SVRs to the Unified Dispatch Control System (SDRS) of CEPS. In addition, the customer has the opportunity to monitor the online quality of the provided SVR via the web interface.

All functionalities programmed in the terminal are permanently maintained in accordance with the applicable Transmission System Code (PS), Part II.


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