Emission Monitoring & Evaluation

In most cases, the operation of energy and industry is associated with the release of emissions into the air. For our customers, we ensure continuous measurement, monitoring and evaluation of emissions in accordance with applicable legislation. In addition to the measurement system itself, we also provide continuous service and advisory support, including maintenance of operational records and preparation of reports for the state administration.

We supply evaluation systems for continuous emission measurement (CEMS) and for operational-technological measurements in the entire package of turnkey services. The supplies include analyzers from the world's leading manufacturers, user-friendly software and all services related to the commissioning of the system exactly according to the customer's wishes.

Thanks to more than 30 years of experience with a really wide number of installations in the Czech Republic and abroad, we rely on a comprehensive continuous measurement evaluation system (VS EMON) designed for any continuous measurement application.

The system itself consists of four logical units:

  • Analytical technology and service
  • Capture and transfer of data.
  • Visualization and processing of measured data.
  • Exit Agenda for State Administration.

Analytical technology and service:

We supply automated measuring systems (AMS) for measuring concentrations of solid pollutants (TZL) and gaseous pollutants (PZL), which we measure using IN-SITU and extraction methods. We also provide measurement of accompanying variables such as oxygen content, temperature, pressure, humidity or flue gas flow.

Deliveries are carried out on a turnkey basis, i.e. we ensure the selection of AMS including TÜV and MCERTS (QAL1) certification, project, related deliveries, installation, setup, revision, commissioning and operator training, both for legal emission measurements and for operational needs.

Furthermore, we provide our customers with regular inspections, warranty and post-warranty service, functional tests and repairs, including 24/7 standby. We connect all AMs to our remote control room, thanks to which we are able to perform initial diagnostics and management “remotely”, speeding up our response time to any failures. In case of irreparable fault on site, we have the possibility of renting a spare measuring instrument.

Data capture and transmission:

The transmission of the scanned data from the analysis technology to our EMON server is ensured using local PLCs. Both analog and binary signals from analyzers are brought to them. While analog signals provide transmission of data on measured quantities, binary signals provide a comprehensive overview of the state and behavior of the analyzer itself. The individual signals are galvanically separated, to secure the signals against interference. Each PLC is powered by UPS backup sources, thus protecting against sudden power failure. Communication with the EMON server takes place by default via the Modbus communication protocol.

Visualization and processing of measured data:

EMON Continuous Emission Measurement Visualization System is a server application created in the PROMOTIC® development environment that collects, analyzes and evaluates data from continuous emission measurement.

The application itself is installed on a server in the premises of a stationary source of pollution and runs continuously. The server's source power is redundant and from a backup power supply to avoid data loss and the visualization itself.

The visualization is accessed via a web browser, so the visualization can be viewed from anywhere that has a server connection enabled. In this way, the visualization is also transferred to the operator's station for the purposes of controlling the combustion process and monitoring compliance with emission limits.

The basic features of the application include:
  • basic sensing of quantities from PLC,
  • verification, processing, conversion of electrical values into physical values,
  • statistical processing — calculation of minute, half-hour, monthly and annual averages,
  • conversion of measured values into physical quantities,
  • conversion of pollutant concentrations to the reference state,
  • monitoring compliance with emission limits,
  • creation and imaging of a forecast system for individual concentrations of pollutants,
  • creation of historical trends of measured values and possibility of export to excel,
  • saving a list of alarms and events,
  • security of communication with the monitoring system operator stations using an integrated web server,
  • storing data in a local SQL database,

The entire evaluation system is designed as a modular system, which can be easily modified without problems and according to the needs of the customer or changes in legislation.

Output Agenda for State Administration:

After basic statistical processing, the final data output comes in the form of clear reports for the needs of the state administration and the equipment operators themselves. These are several pre-created types of protocols that present the collected data and compare it with the conditions of operation. The user-friendly environment of the application offers the possibility of tabular and graphical output of data for the selected period in various data formats (pdf., doc., xls. , png.).

It also includes regular monthly processing and so-called data validation, which “locks” the data against their unwanted alteration. All data is backed up on separate servers and stored on the company databank.


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Contact us, we will be happy to discuss with you and analyze the appropriate solution.