Permitting Consultancy & Feasibility Studies

An integral part of investment plans in the energy sector is the removal of technical and legislative barriers, in the form of an appropriate choice of technical-economic solution and its optimization. Thanks to our many years of experience, we support our customers not only in the preparation of new investment projects, but also in the field of changes caused by the market or legislative environment.

We provide long-term support for our customers in fulfilling legislative obligations, especially in the area of emission and emission measurement, certification of energy by-products and industrial wastes, greening of resources, design of energy systems, preparation for the provision of system services or energy assessments and audits.

We also specialize in the search for the causes of various types of faults, especially in the field of electrical diagnostics, in non-rotating and rotating machines, and in the field of thermal engineering in the search for leaks, heat losses and other causes of reduced efficiency.

Last but not least, we support our customers in the installation of new power plants and especially in the commissioning of power balance support services.


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Contact us, we will be happy to discuss with you and analyze the appropriate solution.