Fuel Sampling, Certification & Analysis

Sampling of solid fuels and residues after incineration allows an independent assessment of its properties, in particular calorific value and ash content, which are a basic parameter for billing for the purchase of fuel, disposal of residues after incineration, as well as the evaluation of CO emissions! 2. Regular control of these parameters is key to maintaining the economy of operation of combustion plants.

Ensuring an independent assessment begins with the collection of a representative sample of the fuel or residue after burning. In this area, we provide attestation of samplers including their evaluation and, where appropriate, recommend corrective measures to ensure reliable sampling. In case of suspicion of substandard sampling conditions, we also provide physical sampling and sampling by means of quartering, including sample treatment (crushing, grinding), to control the quality of the sampling, or we can arrange comparative sampling at the reference test unit.

The collected samples are then analyzed in our accredited test laboratory Most and we carry out their evaluation, which is also applicable for optimizing the management of the operation of emission sources.

We assure our customers

  • certification of automatic fuel samplers (samples are analysed in our accredited ZLM laboratory) and their evaluation.
  • Maintenance planning of automatic fuel samplers
  • Preparation and revision of fuel sampling methodology
  • comprehensive quality control of fuel supplies.
  • the continuous identification and evaluation of the necessary information, which significantly affects the values in the greenhouse gas emission reports, on the quality of fuels and solid residues after combustion and on their evolution over time.


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Contact us, we will be happy to discuss with you and analyze the appropriate solution.