Waste and Materials Analysis Laboratory

The Waste and Materials Analytics Laboratory provides physico-chemical analyses of water, water leaches, absorption solutions and solid materials, which are mainly used for conformity assessment in the waste product certification process.

We perform analyses of waste materials mainly for wastewater, soils, construction wastes and energy by-products. However, we also analyze the buildings intended for demolition, in which we evaluate their environmental and health failure, or quantify the amount of individual materials for the preparation of the demolition project and its economic evaluation.

Waste material samples are collected by an authorised sampler with a Waste Sampling Manager certificate. The entire process is recorded in the Internet application, where our customers can track all the data and the related documentation is stored there. The results can be evaluated using the application according to different regulations or the values of the analyzes are compared with other samples.

For samples evaluated in this way, since 1998 we have been providing certification and declaration of conformity as a construction product according to Act 22/1997 Coll. and we also provide the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), which is mandatory for building materials from 1.1.2025. The purpose of the Declaration (EPD) is to provide a tool for objectively comparing products according to their environmental performance, and through this information to promote demand and supply of more environmentally friendly products and services.


The laboratory provides the following measurement and test methods:

  • Determination of sulfates, chlorides, fluorides and ammonia by ion chromatography
  • Determination of mercury by atomic absorption spectrometry
  • Determination of anions of bromides, nitrites, fluorides, phosphates, chlorides and sulfates by ion chromatography
  • Determination of pH potentiometrically
  • Determination of electrical conductivity
  • Determination of solutes by gravimetry
  • Determination of elements by ICP-MS method — antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, tin, potassium, phosphorus, aluminium, magnesium, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, silicon, lithium, manganese, copper, nickel, lead, selenium, sulfur, sodium, thallium, titanium, vanadium, calcium, zinc, iron


Contact person

Contact persons

Ing. Martin Pokorný
Reach sampling, analysis, analysis and documentation

Interested in more?

Contact us, we will be happy to discuss with you and analyze the appropriate solution.