Secondary DeNOx Systems (SNCR and SCR)

The vast majority of combustion processes produce nitrogen oxides (NOx). These are limited by national legislation and, in particular, BREF/BAT. We help our customers implement secondary measures to reduce concentration (NOX) in flue gases through selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR).

We implement SNCR and SCR technology on all combustion plants (sources of harmful emissions) from small cogeneration units to large granulation, fluid and grate boilers that burn all types of fuel (solid, liquid and gaseous). We are able to realize complete technology in the form of so-called. “turnkey” from the basic project to the successful implementation of warranty tests, or we deliver individual technological units according to customer requirements.

Process and scope of our activities:

  • Detailed analysis of the solved combustion plant
  • Advanced process modeling through CFD analysis
  • Basic design for the implementation of the secondary measure DeNOx
  • Operational test of SNCR technology by mobile test apparatus, to determine the best achievable results taking into account the investment and operating costs incurred
  • Detailed project implementation documentation
  • Delivery of all equipment and parts of technology
  • Technical documentation
  • Operational and optimization of the operation of the technology
  • Conducting comprehensive testing and warranty measurements
  • Training of responsible customer personnel in the operation and maintenance of equipment
  • Warranty and post-warranty service activities


Contact person

Contact persons

Ing. Vojtěch Vavřička
Divisional Director

Interested in more?

Contact us, we will be happy to discuss with you and analyze the appropriate solution.